Big update! I'm heading home, but not without a few stops — Deviating the Norm

I know I said I was going to stop doing these. But this update seemed too important not to share!

Yes, surprise! I am heading back to New York! We all knew this day had to come sometime considering this is a year(ish) of deviation tour. Well, it's about time, as it's been over 14 months since I left New York.

Three days ago, I departed from Auckland, New Zealand and began a series of flights taking me to Bali, Indonesia. Today marks my first full day in Bali! Wooo!

I've had Bali in my sights since before I left NY last September. Jono and I even considered it for our destination together until we decided on Niue.

I am now traveling solo again and loving it! But it's also good to be following a path that will ultimately lead me home.

See you later, New Zealand

While I'm generally feeling good, leaving New Zealand (again) was still difficult. It was not as difficult as last time, however. Probably because I left last time uncertain if I would ever return.

This time, I know in my heart I will return just as I did after my one month stint in Australia. I'm going back to the USA this time, but it's not goodbye. It's see you later. And I mean that.

I now see New Zealand as a "home away from home." I've cultivated so much there. I built a strong relationship with Jono, I made professional contacts, and I created friendships and memories to last a lifetime.

I don't think I'll be moving to New Zealand in any permanent sense anytime soon. But I know I'll be back, at least to visit, in the future.

Extra Stops

Now it's time to head home. But not without a few stops!

I was open to just about anywhere and finally decided on Bali because of the options it gave me. Every ticket I looked at had multiple layovers in a bunch of cities. Of course I could not resist the temptation to extend the time I spent in each!

My first layover gave me a full day to explore Singapore.

As it turns out, Singapore is now my most favorite city in the world. I totally understand all of the hype.

I got to see so much there and was definitely feeling the leg work by the time I boarded my next flight!

I then had to stay overnight in the airport in Bangkok. This was my lovely bed for the night:

For an airport, it was remarkably comfortable. I loved having my silk liner with me as a sheet to snuggle up in. I actually slept for 4 or 5 hours which is a freakin' miracle for me! Sleep was much needed after two flights and the busy day in Singapore.

After Bali, I'll be stopping in Tokyo, Japan! I'll have about 9 hours between flights. I'm hoping I will have enough time (with the long train ride to/from the airport) to catch a glimpse of the city and shop a little.

I'll then make my way across the Atlantic on a good ol' United Airlines flight. This flight will bring me to San Francisco.

I have visited San Fran many times because my best friend moved there over 10 years ago. I'll be spending a few days with her before my final flight home to New York City.

A few things I'm looking forward to the most back home

A fast internet connection
Comfortable home heating/cooling
Replenishing my supply of miles/points for free flights in the future!
Finding out if I've landed a job. I've got a few prospects!
Thanksgiving. Missing it again this year would have been unacceptable to my belly
My parents' home cooking in general
Catching up with my friends and family
Sharing all of my latest adventures with you on this blog

This month on the blog

Until I make it home, my internet access and speed is going to be a bit unpredictable. So if my posts are sparse this month, then you know why!

Keep following my social media, though. My Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are all going to be updated regularly. Lots of sneak peeks at all the places I'm visiting will be there. And I'll announce any new blog posts!

I'm so excited to share this return trip with you (and how I only paid $74.50 for 6 flights!) when I get back. Will be epic! :)

