Wow. 2022 was actually really good to me! I don't think that is going to be a very popular statement to make, but it is true. Despite anti-LGBTQ legislation like we've never seen before, ongoing violence against minority groups, a war in Ukraine, and so much else going wrong in the world, yes—2022 is in stark contrast to the last few years for me.
The vaccine, the boosters, and COVID-19 becoming just "a part of life" really opened up opportunities for me this year in the ways of travel, work, fun, and friendships. Everything really took off for me in some of the best and most unexpected ways.
From traveling overseas again to a work-related connection to New Zealand, I am happy to report this mostly positive reflection on my year.
Travel in 2022
I didn’t know it at the end of 2021 but 2022 became the year I got back into traveling internationally again. I had no idea I would do as much random domestic travel as I did either. Regardless of travel restrictions and mask requirements lifting, I remained vigilant in my own health-related travel ethics in 2022. This was for my own safety but also the safety of others!
International Destinations
Greece, Sweden, Norway
I really made sure 2022 was the year I got back to overseas travel. I was determined to make it happen, especially after the Omicron varient fucked up my trip to Mexico last New Years.
In the Spring, I did my usual perusing of where to go next and Europe was it. The original plan was to head to Germany for my cousin's wedding, but I messed up the dates. 7/5 in Germany means May 7—oops! Rookie mistake. Alas, I ended up planning a trip to Greece and inviting along an old travel buddy—Carolina!
In order to extend our time together and to explore a couple more countries, I decided to join her and her daughter for a road trip from Sweden to Norway. I look forward to writing about that portion of my journey in 2023 because it is quite the ride. As many of you know now, I acquired COVID-19 from her daughter on this trip.
Carolina’s daughter at a campsite in Sweden
At that point, COVID was a risk I was willing to take in order to get out there and travel again. But it did suck and it nearly cost me a huge expense as it delayed my travels back home.
Although the revenge travel summer of 2022 was so needed, it was also a wakeup call to the world of travel still not really being back to pre-pandemic norms.
Domestic Destinations
Orlando, FL, Tampa, FL, St. Augustine, FL, Seville, FL, Salt Springs, FL, Richmond, VA, Washington, DC, New York, NY, Elmira, NY
That last destination, Elmira, was for an old college friend's wedding. I traveled there with Dasha in September and I actually did a couple of little touristy things while there. I'll write about it soon!
Overall, this was a really cool experience for me because I got to officiate my friend's wedding. Yes, in 2022, I became an ordained minister of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. LOL!
Me before officiating my friend’s wedding (September 2022)
I probably won't write much on the blog about the rest of my domestic travels this year because mostly I traveled to these locations for one thing: Ballroom. No, not ballroom dancing—allow me to explain.
It actually started in late 2021 when I was invited to join a House in Miami's Ballroom scene. If you haven't seen Pose on FX, Legendary on HBO, or the old Paris Is Burning documentary, then the best way to describe ballroom is that it is a queer subculture. Ballroom started in Harlem in the late 1960s by a Black trans woman and it exploded all over the world especially in the 80s and 90s.
Ballroom historically and today involves dance, fashion, and modeling competitions with a panel of judges and real trophies and cash prizes. Individuals compete and represent different Houses or teams. This is where the "vogue" dance style was born that you see in Madonna's music video of the same name. It's also where most slang in the queer community got its origins (words like "slay" and "shade").
Me and a few of the members of my house outside a ball in Brooklyn, NY (July 2022)
Anyway, somehow through a long story connected to the work I do at the University, I was invited in. Since ballroom is all over the world, my House (like a fraternity) is all over too. There are members across the USA as well as Europe, South America, and Asia! Balls take place all the time and all over. So I traveled all over this year just to compete at the Balls. I even almost met up with some members of my House in Greece but I wasn't in Athens long enough to make that happen.
Ballroom has quickly become a huge part of my social life and my House has become my chosen family. Both fill me with so much joy and so both will continue to play a role in my life, and an increasing role in my travels, in 2023.
Best Travel Moments in 2022
I’m bringing back an old New Years post feature—the top 5 favorite travel moments! Here they are for 2022:
5. Seeing ALOK Vaid-Menon Perform in Washington, DC
While in town for a Ball, I snuck in a visit to the Lincoln Center to see queer performance artist, ALOK, perform. They were amazing and they signed my book after! Just a few weeks later, I got to meet and interview them for a work event. They were so sweet and wonderful to my students and to me!
4. The View at Balos Beach in Crete, Greece
Honestly, Greece had so many stunning views on both Crete and Santorini islands, but this one at Balos Beach took the cake. I will never forget looking over the edge and just being awestruck by the color of the water in contrast to white sand. The entire experience at this beach made it an all around best experience.
3. Hiking Samaria Gorge in Crete, Greece
This hike easily made it into my top 5 hikes of the world list. I still need to write that post... In the meantime, you can read all about this epic, downhill adventure to the sea.
2. Hiking Trolltunga in Norway
I have yet to write about this experience but look out for it in a couple of months. Trolltunga was not only a feat of nature but a feat of my body since I hiked it while unknowingly already having COVID-19 coarsing through my body. The view and photo opportunity at the end was basically every travel blogger's dream.
1. Staying in Old Town, Chania in Crete, Greece
If you know, you know I rarely write about city experiences as my favorite parts of my travels. I usually prefer to dwell in nature abroad not on the streets. But Old Town in Chania had an otherworldly charm about it that set it apart from all other travel moments this year. So it easily made it to the top!
Work Progress and Recognition
This has been the year of finally seeing the results of years of hard work at my career. I don't just mean the last 3.5 years in Florida but of my education, work experience, and activism since I was a teenager.
First, I saw at least 5 major work projects I developed get established this year and I saw real successful results with each in 2022. These projects partially came together because of the team I built and the connections I made and maintained over the last 3.5 years. But it also has to do with a ton of training, perseverance, and risk-taking in my career.
Speaking at a work event our office hosted (November 2022)
This year I was awarded with the highest diversity and inclusion recognition from our University president for going above and beyond to support equity and access for students. This was extremely validating to receive especially because of the content of my work in a red, conservative state.
I also started to see my reputation as a trusted and reliable resource for LGBTQ support spread around South Florida and beyond. I was asked to serve on and moderate major panel discussions on LGBTQ topics. Also, a tool I created for understanding the nuances of gender and sexuality started getting used in classrooms and diversity trainings across the US.
This tool was translated into French by a professor in France and I hope to see it translated into other languages, too. Most recently and excitingly, the New Zealand police reached out to me to adapt my tool into an online diversity training for their police force out of Wellington. I make this tool available because I believe the content is so important to freely share and make widely accessible.
New Zealand police at the Auckland Pride Parade (February 2015)
There does come certain contexts in which my time and energy require compensation, however. And that manifested this year into me quietly starting up my own consulting and training business. I hope to share more about this soon—perhaps in 2023!
With all of this going on, I started benchmarking the work I do and my office against others like it around the country this year. This led to some job interviews and interesting opportunities for both my students and (possibly) me in the near future. There's no telling what 2023 will bring, however, so we'll just have to wait and see!
All in all, I am so happy that I started to see such positive results from my hard work this year. I am now more confident in who I am, what I am doing, and what I will do next than ever before.
The Unexpected Rekindling of Friendships
Meeting up with my long-time friend Frank in New York after my return from Europe (July 2022)
Sometimes people exit our lives and when the door closes it can really hurt. That was the case with one relationship in 2018 and a friendship in 2019. The loss I experienced in those 2 consecutive years was rough. In order to grieve properly, I had to accept that both individuals would never be a part of my life again.
2022 somehow brought both of them back into my life. This is partially a credit to the work they did to grow but also to me remaining open. I've remained open to other people's growth.
Openness, to me, is so much the crux of this blog. You have to be open to change—to deviation—or you'll be stuck in the norm. And that's... boring and sad.
I needed to think both of these people would never be in my life again for my own healing to successfully take place. But, ultimately, I always remained open and hopeful.
The dynamics of how they are in my life again have changed, of course. Because as people change, circumstances, expectations, and boundaries change. I don't know how these friendships may evolve or what they may look like in 2023 or 2043. All I know is I am incredibly grateful to have them back in exactly the capacity they are and I will continue to remain open to the future.
Travel In 2023
So what is in store for the future? I'm not entirely sure! Some things remain up in the air because I am trying to continue this vibe of remaining open.
Of course, New York will be part of my travels as it always is but especially because our family is expecting an additional member in June. All goes well, I'll be making some visits to meet this new member and help out a bit with their arrival.
I also have a work trip planned to San Francisco this Spring. I haven't visited that area in 6 years so I am looking forward to it for myself and my students.
Otherwise, I know that I would like my next couple of trips to be SOLO. If there was one thing my Euro trip with Carolina this year taught me, it is how badly I needed to travel alone post-pandemic. I still need to do that and I look forward to it in 2023.
I am hoping to take some long weekend trips to countries down South this year—to the Caribbean, Mexico, and/or Central America. I want to visit South America, too, but that may have to wait until I have a bit more time. Perhaps that's a summer 2023 destination? Who knows!
Happy New Year
I really can't believe how much new, positive, and happily unexpected things happened in my world this year. I hope this is a good omen for what's to come—like a "we're just getting started" from the universe!
If this year wasn't your year, I am truly wishing 2023 is yours! Remaining hopeful and open to possibilities served me well this year so let that perhaps inspire you moving forward!
As always, thanks for staying with me all these years as a reader! More adventures to come...
❤️ Rikka